Yes! However, all students must start with lesson 1 and complete all assignments. While there may be some review, Shormann Algebra 1 teaches many concepts not taught in Saxon Algebra 1. For example, Shormann includes 1/2 credit of geometry while Saxon only has 1/3 credit. Shormann also teaches computer math, technology applications (ie: Geometer's Sketchpad, Graphing app, spreadsheets, etc), and Algebra 1 level PSAT, SAT, and ACT, CLEP College Math, and CLEP College Algebra concepts not covered in Saxon Algebra 1. LEARN MORE: My student is on lesson __, should we switch to Shormann Algebra 1?
Saxon vs Shormann Math
Is my child ready for Algebra 1?
Time-Saving Tips for Success: Shormann Math
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