If your student is using the Timed Method, following the steps on the Practice Set Instruction Sheet for each problem, and you don't expect immediate mastery, the student should not need additional practice problems. The first 25 lessons are mainly review of pre-algebra concepts and foundational math concepts that provide excellent preparation for the remaining lessons in the course. However, It often takes several days or even weeks of practice before a new concept clicks. That's why we call the daily homework "practice". Learn More
If your student has low scores and/or they are taking too long to complete a lesson, follow the steps below to repeat the last 5-10 Practice Sets. This will develop fluency on all previously learned concepts and make completing new lessons faster and easier.
If your student's grades are not low and he/she is not taking too long, but you still think your student needs additional practice on a concept, contact Dr. Shormann as instructed on the Practice Set Instruction Sheet. Please include a specific assignment and question # that needs extra practice. He can quickly identify and make recommendations on how to proceed.
Instructions to Repeat the Practice Sets for Lessons______
Download and save the Textbook PDF to your Desktop or iBooks (if using an iOS device), posted on the Course Home page. Instead of completing these Practice Sets in the eLearning system, have the student use the eTextbook to solve all the problems on paper. This will ensure your student cannot guess and forces them to show their work on each problem. The textbook pages can be viewed on a computer or device. Printing the textbook pages is not necessary. However, printing is allowed.
If the student can't solve a problem, they should write the question # on their paper and mark it with an X. Do not spend more than 10 minutes "stuck" on a problem. Mark it wrong and go to the next question. The problems will be re-learned and corrected in the next section.
Parents: After the student has completed all the problems they can, use the Solutions Manual to verify the student showed work for each problem. Any problems that don’t should be marked wrong with a pen. List the question #s of all wrong or incomplete problems at the top of the page with a pen. This way you know which problems the student should to re-learn and correct later in the process.
Print the Practice Set Instruction sheet and place it on the desk. The student should login to the eLearning course, open the Practice Set and enter the answer for each question. If the answer is wrong, follow the steps on the Instruction Sheet to re-learn. If they can't solve the problem, mark it wrong on your paper, and go to the next question.
A Parent should supervise the student for the first few lessons to ensure the steps on the Practice Set Instruction Sheet are followed. Add missed question #s not already listed, to the top of the page.
After attempting all the questions, select Submit All and Finish. This will display the Results Page. Have the student follow the steps on the Instruction Sheet to re-learn and correct missed problems. Again, supervise the student to make sure all steps are completed including watching the video solutions, solving the problem correctly on paper, and, if needed, contact Dr. Shormann.
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