If your student has completed 1/2 of the book or less, is struggling, taking too long, etc, it is usually better to switch to Shormann Precalculus. Many students struggle in Saxon Advanced Math because it does not have the lesson reference numbers next to each homework problem which allow students to quickly relearn missed or forgotten concepts.
Shormann Precalculus has these lesson references as well as direct links to the video lectures that teach each concept as well as a link to a similar example problem.
Can I skip some of the lessons?
The first 25 lessons of Shormann Precalculus review and develop fluency (speed and accuracy) in the fundamental concepts required for the ACT and the redesigned PSAT and SAT that are not taught in Saxon Algebra 2 or Saxon Advanced Math.
While Shormann Math only has 100 lessons, Saxon has 125 lessons. Therefore, starting with lesson one will not take much longer than if you continued with Saxon. In fact, since Shormann Math has links to quickly relearn forgotten concepts, instant feedback, and video solutions that make learning more efficient, it may take less time.
Students who used Saxon Algebra 2, should complete the first 25 lessons of Shormann Precalculus then follow Dr. Shormann’s recommendations here: PSAT, SAT, and, ACT Prep.
College Prep with Automated Grading and Video Solutions
To better prepare student for 21st-Century college math and science courses as well as the PSAT, SAT, and ACT, we now recommend our new Shormann Interactive Precalculus instead of Saxon Advanced Math. Based on John Saxon’s teaching methods and a biblical foundation, Shormann Math teaches 21st Century concepts like computer math, technology applications, and non-standard solution concepts, that are not taught in the Saxon Advanced Math texts.
Saxon Advanced Math does not have lesson reference numbers for quick and easy re-learning of missed concepts. Shormann Precalculus has 100 lessons with 20 homework problems each and Saxon has 125 with 30 problems each. Shormann features interactive homework this is automatically graded which provides instant feedback, embedded links to the video lecture that teaches that homework problem and a link to a similar example problem.
After each Shormann Precalculus homework set is completed and the grades are recorded in the online grade book, video solutions to every problem are displayed so you can quickly re-learn and correct missed problems. Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann is also included.
I recently purchased DIVE and/or the Saxon Homeschool Kit
DIVE Lectures on CD
If the DIVE course was purchased in the last 90 days, from DIVE or an authorized retailer, you can return it for a $40 credit towards the Shormann Math course by using this form: Switch from DIVE to Shormann.
DIVE Lectures: Download Format
If the DIVE course was purchased in the last 90 days, from DIVE or an authorized retailer, you can return it for a $40 credit towards the Shormann Math course by using this form: Switch from DIVE to Shormann.
Saxon Homeschool Kit Purchased from DIVE
The Saxon books, if purchased from DIVE in the past 90 days, and in new condition, can be returned for a refund by using this form: Refund Request Form found under Policies in the top-right menu of our website.
Saxon Homeschool Kit Purchased from Retailer
You may be able to return the Saxon Homeschool Kit to the retailer for a refund or store credit. Check the retailer's return policy. If not, you can usually sell the Saxon books for about 25% off what you paid for them. Books purchased used can usually be sold as used for the same amount you originally paid.
Shormann Math Articles
Shormann Interactive Math Teacher’s Guides, FAQs, and Sample Course
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