Placement: Math
- Can I skip Precalculus?
- Can I Skip Saxon 7/6?
- Can I switch from Saxon 87, Saxon Algebra 1/2 and Saxon Course 3 to Shormann Pre-Algebra without finishing my course?
- Can I switch from Saxon Algebra 1 to Shormann Math and skip some of the lessons?
- Can I switch to Saxon or Shormann Math before completing my current math course?
- Can my student skip Pre-Algebra?
- Decision Tool for Math Placement 4th - 12th Grade
- Do I have to complete all the lessons in Saxon or Shormann Math before starting the next course?
- Failed or did not finish Saxon Algebra 1, Third Edition
- How to list Shormann math credits on a transcript?
- I have not finished my Saxon course. Can I switch to Shormann Math now?
- I took Saxon Algebra 2 but need to complete my geometry credit in a few months
- If my student completed Geometry, can he skip the geometry lessons in Shormann Algebra 2?
- If Pre-Algebra is taken in 6th grade, what is taken in 12th grade?
- Is my child ready for Algebra 1?
- Is my child ready for Shormann Pre-Algebra?
- Math Student Placement Chart and Placement Tests
- My child is taking Saxon 8/7. Should I switch to Shormann Prealgebra now?
- My child is taking Saxon Algebra 1. Should I switch to Shormann Algebra 1 now?
- My student completed Algebra 1 (other publisher). Which course do you recommend?
- My student completed an Algebra 1 course that did not include Geometry. Which course do you recommend?
- My student completed an Integrated Math 1 course. Which Shormann Math course should be taken?
- My Student completed Discovering Mathematics Singapore 7a and 7b
- My student is 75% finished with Saxon 8/7 but wants to take Algebra 1/2 with his class.
- My student is currently taking Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1. Should I switch to Shormann Algebra 1 now?
- My student is failing a different publisher's Algebra 1. Can he take Shormann Algebra 1?
- My student is taking a non-Saxon Pre-Algebra. Can he switch to Shormann Pre-Algebra
- My student is taking CLE Algebra 1. Should I switch to Shormann Algebra 1 now?
- My student is taking Saxon Algebra 2. Can he switch to Shormann Algebra 2.
- My student took Saxon Algebra 1 and is now taking Saxon Geometry. Can I switch to Shormann Algebra 2.