Follow the recommendation for your student:
Student Struggles or is a Reluctant Math Student: see Dr. Shormann's Recommendation here: Struggled in Algebra 1 and/or Geometry
Good Math Student who Completed Algebra 1 and Geometry with an 80+: Take the Placement Test for Algebra 2
If your student scores a 70+ they are ready for Shormann Algebra 2. While there are some concepts in Shormann Algebra 2 that your student will not be familiar with, there is a great tool in Shormann Math courses called the “Lesson Reference Chart”. If they encounter something they have not previously learned, they can go to this document and click on a link which will take them back into Shormann Algebra 1 so they can either review it or learn it for the first time. However, this requires a good math student who doesn't mind spending some extra time learning this information. Since Shormann Algebra 2 earns 1/2 credit of geometry along with 1 credit of algebra 2 (3 semesters of credit), students can take up to 3 semesters to complete the course. If your student is easily frustrated with math, doesn't like math, etc., see Struggled in Algebra 1 and/or Geometry
FAQ: Can I skip the Geometry lessons?
NOTE: This is only for students who, based on the information above, qualify for Shormann Algebra 2. To ensure the student develops fluency (speed and accuracy), Dr. Shormann recommends all students start with Lesson 1 and complete all lessons. While there may be some review, most of the content will be new or practice of the concept is needed. Unlike most Algebra 2 courses, Shormann Algebra 2 teaches all the concepts on the ACT as well as the redesigned PSAT, and SAT. To do well on these timed college entrance exams, “knowing” how to solve a problem is not enough. You must be able to solve these problems quickly and accurately. Think of a baseball pitcher who spends countless hours throwing the same pitch over and over until he finally achieves fluency and can throw the pitch quickly and accurately almost every time. Learn More about Fluency
FAQ: Will Shormann Algebra 2 be too hard?
NOTE: This is only for students who, based on the information above, qualify for Shormann Algebra 2. Since a traditional curriculum that teaches math in "chunks" of Algebra and Geometry was used, it has been a year or more since the student has practiced Algebra 1. This makes it a little harder to learn Algebra 2. However, the first 25 lessons of Shormann Algebra 2 review the Algebra and Geometry concepts required to learn Algebra 2. Some of these “review” concepts may not be reviewed to your student. Using Dr. Shormann’s recommended Timed Method allows students learn at their own pace, providing the extra time required to learn these new concepts without overwhelming or frustrating the student. if you are not sure your student is ready, take the Placement Test for Algebra 2.
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